Thursday, August 24, 2017

 Well it's been over half a decade since I've been on this blog. Seriously, where has the time gone?!  So here's a very brief update...Maguire just started third grade this week and Logan 2nd. I can hardly believe my boys are growing up so fast.
I blinked and they're big boys now.  Obviously you can see for yourself.  These guys keep me on my toes.
Summer was great but hardly relaxing with kids! haha.  It's crazy to think, that as a kid you only have some many summers to enjoy it and be a kid before you have to be responsible, get a job, act like a young adult and make money.  So in some ways, I think there's a lot of pressure as a mom to make summer great for them. I'm not sure how "great" it was but I hope that in some way this past summer will be a memorable one.  I know each summer will be for me as I watch them grow.  
The start of a new school year is so bittersweet.  It's so nice to feel like we get a little break when they head back to school and the excitement that comes with knowing that they will learn new things, make new friends, and mature as a little human being.  But it's also hard to see them growing up so fast.  It's like we can hardly grasp these moments in time, that can be so difficult but yet so precious. They're only little once.  Gosh a love these four.  If only time would stand still and we could all just enjoy the things in life that matter the most. Cherish each moment.  

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